Lake Plantagenet Management Plan

2007 - Lake Plantagenet Landowner’s Association completed our Lake Management Plan. The three priorities that were determined are:
1: Work with the DNR on implementing the fisheries management
- Stocking walleye fry in alternate years, (2010, 2012, etc.) at 750 fry/litoral acre (740,000)
- OTC marking of walleye fry to investigate an SSB/wild fry relationship
- Conduct a standard population assessment in 2009, adjust muskie stocking rate to 1.5/litoral acre in alternate years beginning in 2007
- Sed pede ullamcorper amet ullamcorper primis, nam pretium suspendisse neque, a phasellus sit pulvinar vel integer.
- PIT tag muskie fingerlings stocked and adults handled in special assessments
2: Stop the spread of AIS (Aquatic Invasive Species)
- LPLA has hired boat inspectors to inspect and educate the public as they use the access to put in and/ or take their boatsOTC marking of walleye fry to investigate an SSB/wild fry relationship
- With the help of the membership fund-raising and contributions from the townships of Helga and Rockwood, the association has provided over 280 hours of inspections in 2020.
3: Continue the lake water quality monitoring program
- A LPLA board member takes samples of lake water in two locations once a month-May through September 2008-LPLA was awarded a $4000 grant by Northwest Minnesota Foundation as part of the Healthy lakes and Rivers Partnership.
2009 - With grant money and in-kind contributions, LPLA had a vegetation survey conducted. This provides a baseline to better oversee any changes that might occur to the lake.
2010 - The Lake Plantagenet Charitable Fund was set up with the Northwest Minnesota Foundation to provide a permanent endowment fund that will use only its earning to fund a variety of education and conservation projects benefiting Lake Plantagenet.