The Lake Needs You
Our lake community has done an amazing job of donating to the AIS prevention fund in the past. So, we appreciate any help you can give our lake association. Also, remember, your membership dues go to: monitoring our lake , educating us on lake issues , creating a lake management plan , joining with other lake associations , providing a lake directory , hosting an annual picnic , giving us all a forum to join together to keep our lake environmentally clean and healthy .
Join the Lake Plantagenet Landowners’ Association, helping to keep the lake healthy and safe for all to enjoy, now and in the future. Annual dues are:
- $30 per household as lakeshore owners (these have not been raised in over 10 years)
- $20 for association members
Please send your checks to:
If you would like to donate more, that additional money will go to the AIS Prevention Fund .
For more information, please contact Clint Mueller, LPLA Treasurer at Balsam Beach Resort 218-751-5057